# VM


QuickEmu with subnet-accessible Desktop VMs (Ubuntu 24.04, Rev: 08/22)

May 24, 2024

This guide details how to install quickemu on a Linux Ubuntu 24.04 server to run desktop VMs (here, we will install Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop) on the same subnet IP range as the host's primary subnet using a network bridge. Those VMs are remotely accessible on the subnet using a SPICE client. This setup will provide VMs directly accessible on the subnet where the Linux server is running. Because we will specify the MAC addresses of those VMs, we can apply reserved DHCP IPs from our router and allow adding and configuring extra services within hardware firewalls, such as the Firewalla (for example, DNS-over-HTTPS).

QuickEmu with subnet-accessible Desktop VMs (Ubuntu 22.04, Rev: 05/18)

Apr 4, 2024

This guide details how to install quickemu on a Linux Ubuntu 22.04 server to run desktop VMs (here, we will install both Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop and PopOS 22.04 Desktop) on the same subnet IP range as the host's primary subnet using a network bridge. Those VMs are remotely accessible on the subnet using a SPICE client. This setup will provide VMs directly accessible on the subnet where the Linux server is running. Because we will specify the MAC addresses of those VMs, we can apply reserved DHCP IPs from our router and allow adding and configuring extra services within hardware firewalls, such as the Firewalla (for example, DNS-over-HTTPS).

Kolla Ansible OpenStack Installation (Rev: 05/12)

Feb 20, 2024

Kolla Ansible provides production-ready containers (here Docker) and deployment tools for operating OpenStack clouds. This guide explains how to install a single host (all-in-one) OpenStack Cloud on a Ubuntu 22.04 server Linux Operating System on a private network. We specify values and variables early that can easily be adapted to others’ networks. We do not address encryption for the different OpenStack services and will use an HTTPS reverse proxy for access to the dashboard. Please note that this setup requires two physical NICs in the computer you will use.