


HomePage: Services Dashboard (Rev: 09/14)

Sep 14, 2024

docker compose setup for HomePage with Dashdot and Watchtower widgets from Komodo or Dockge, including detailing the dashboard setup for a multi-tab layout with four sections of content: system metrics, static content, dynamic applications (docker service discovery), and service monitors.

Traefik Proxy (Rev: 09/08)

Aug 31, 2024

This guide details how to deploy Traefik using Docker compose (with Dockge) and Cloudflare as our DNS Challenge provider to generate Let’s Encrypt certificates for local infrastructure (not internet-accessible) and use basic authentication to protect the Traefik Dashboard. The configuration files presented can also be used with other deployment methods, such as Unraid.

FLUX.1 LoRA training (Rev: 08/24)

Aug 18, 2024

The following uses the GitHub repository to train a local LoRA on user-provided images. We will then create images using the generated LoRA with ComfyUI. Running this tool requires an Nvidia GPU with 24GB of VRAM. We will train on Ubuntu 24.04 with a recent Nvidia driver installed, git, brew (to install useful commands), and Python (python3 with pip3 and the venv package installed, either via apt or brew)

FLUX.1[dev] with ComfyUI and Stability Matrix (Rev: 08/24)

Aug 10, 2024

In this post, we will run FLUX.1 [dev] within ComfyUI, proposing two installation methods: 1) with Dockge to run the tool within a docker compose; a server-compatible installation method, 2)using Stability Matrix, a desktop application with easy model integration with multiple inference engines available.

cloudflared on Docker Compose (Rev: 07/30)

Jul 27, 2024

Dockge deployment of the cloudflared Zero Trust tunnel to create private-network public URLs with some access control.

Reverse Proxy: Nginx Proxy Manager (Rev: 07/30)

Jul 19, 2024

Dockge deployment of the “Nginx Proxy Manager” reverse proxy to create private-network routable URLs with a Let’s Encrypt wildcard certificate and Cloudflare as our DNS provider.

VPS: Cloudflare Zero Trust access to Web Applications (Rev: 07/15)

Jul 13, 2024

Linux host setup for cloudflared to allow Zero Trust access to a running web application, using one-time OTP to email, and alternative rules such as country blocking.

Stable Diffusion within Open WebUI (Rev: 07/30)

Jul 13, 2024

This post details the build as a container of Automatic1111 and its integration as an image generator option for the “Ollama with Open WebUI” installation.

Ollama with Open WebUI (Rev: 07/30)

Jul 7, 2024

Linux hosts set up instructions for installing Ollama with the Open WebUI using Dockge, a self-hosted Docker Compose stacks management.

Dockge (Rev: 09/08)

Jul 6, 2024

Linux host set-up instructions for Dockge, a self-hosted Docker Compose stacks management tool with a feature-rich interface for self-hosting and home lab setups. It provides access to an all-in-one view of logs, a YAML editor, a web terminal, container controls, and monitoring.

Ubuntu 24.04 VPS Hardening (Rev: 06/22)

Jun 16, 2024

Hosting on a VPS is a great option to run a blogging service, but installing services that might expose ports needs to be done with some precaution (or not at all if the service is only to be used by the server itself).

Post-Steps: Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop (Rev: 07/30)

May 25, 2024

This is a more opinionated post than usual: I live on the command line on Linux. As such, I perform a few extra steps after a fresh installation to get to a “usable” system.