Dockge (20250121)

Linux host set-up instructions for Dockge, a self-hosted Docker Compose stacks management tool with a feature-rich interface for self-hosting and home lab setups. It provides access to an all-in-one view of logs, a YAML editor, a web terminal, container controls, and monitoring.

Jul 6, 2024
Linux host set-up instructions for Dockge, a self-hosted Docker Compose stacks management tool with a feature-rich interface for self-hosting and home lab setups. It provides access to an all-in-one view of logs, a YAML editor, a web terminal, container controls, and monitoring.
Revision: 20250121-0 (init: 20240706)
This post details installing the Dockge docker compose manager on a host with Docker, and an optional Nvidia GPU. We will deploy a few stacks to demonstrate the tool's use. Please note that although we will mention HTTPS reverse proxies (that would upgrade to, for example), their setup is not covered in this post.
Dockge is a self-hosted Docker management tool created by louislam, the developer behind the popular Uptime Kuma project. It's designed to manage Docker Compose stacks, offering a user-friendly and feature-rich interface for self-hosting and home lab setups.
Dockge’s WebUI is designed with user convenience in mind. It provides easy access to many functions that streamline stack management. It provides a unified view of logs, a YAML editor, a web terminal, container controls, and monitoring, all from a single interface.
Dockge follows a file-based structure. Each stack’s subdirectory can be configured to use a relative path to the directory where the compose.yaml of that stack is placed.
The tool provides a few other features, such as an easy “docker to docker compose” interface that takes a docker run and proposes a matching compose.yaml file.
For an up-to-date listing of capabilities, please see the GitHub page at
In addition to installing Dockge using docker, we will use it with a few stacks, among which watchtower, dashdot, and CTPO. This setup is done on an Ubuntu 24.04 host but should be adaptable to other Linux distributions with minor alterations. GPU setups require the Nvidia runtime installed on the host system; see “Setting up NVIDIA docker & podman (Ubuntu 24.04)” for details.

Setup (with Docker)

Using docker and following the “basic” installation process, the default stacks directory will be in /opt/stacks, and the default port 5001.
Adapting from Dockge’s GitHub page, on an Ubuntu 24.04 host, we need sudo to create the directories and curl the compose.yaml file (feel free to confirm that its content matches the one from the official Dockge page before starting the service):
# Create directories that store the stacks and stores Dockge's stack sudo mkdir -p /opt/stacks /opt/dockge cd /opt/dockge # Download the compose.yaml sudo curl --output compose.yaml # Start the server # add a sudo before if the user is not in the docker group docker compose up -d
As long as no error occurred, the service is now running on http://localhost:5001
If a firewall is not blocking the port, it can be accessed from another host on the subnet. With a reverse proxy configured, after configuring it, Dockge’s WebUI can be accessed securely to do the initial setup.
After the service starts, go to the URL and port the installer describes. In general, it will be http://localhost:5001
With a reverse proxy configured, an HTTPS reverse proxy to the IP and port on the subnet can be set, for example, to
Set a preferred username and password to access Dockge, and let’s install some services on it.

Adding a few stacks


Self-describing itself as “a process for automating Docker container base image updates” on its GitHub, the tool will check for new container image versions at intervals and update those if a new one is available,
In its quick start section is the start invocation:
docker run --detach \ --name watchtower \ --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ containrrr/watchtower
Dockge has a useful “Docker Run” entry box in its UI. When pasting the above docker run and using the Convert to Compose button, we get an already populated UI with an automatically converted compose.yaml content:
# ignored options for 'watchtower' # --detach version: "3.3" services: watchtower: container_name: watchtower volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock image: containrrr/watchtower networks: {}
In the UI, set General -> Stack Name to watchtower. This will create a directory in the /opt/stacks named watchtower, and all content relative to this “stack” will be placed within, such as .env, if any.
We do not need other components from the UI, but looking at the watchtower documentation (at, we will alter the compose.yaml file to:
  • automatically restart itself restart: unless-stopped
  • remove old images after updating, confirm the poll interval to once every 24 hours, also include created and exited containers, and only update containers with the supported label: command: --cleanup --interval 86400 --include-stopped
  • for convenience, we will tell the container of our timezone by passing our system’s /etc/timezone and /etc/localtime to the container (as ro).
  • we also ask the tool to update itself if needed using the required labels (more on this shortly)
With those changes, the final compose.yaml is:
services: # Watchtower - Auto update containers watchtower: container_name: watchtower image: containrrr/watchtower restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro command: --cleanup --interval 86400 --include-stopped --label-enable labels: com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable: true
This service does not have a UI nor expose ports, nor does it have a UI so that we can use the Save button.
Once this is done, we will see the service as Inactive. Using the Start button will show it as active. Container logs can be seen in the Terminal section to investigate if a problem has occurred within the newly run container.
Use the >_ bash button to get a running shell within the terminal, which might be helpful for some containers. watchtower does not have either bash or sh available, so the button will not function for this container.

Avoid updating all containers

By default, watchtower will monitor all containers running within the Docker daemon to which it is pointed […] you can restrict watchtower to monitoring a subset of the running containers by specifying the container names as arguments when launching watchtower.
Depending how many containers will run under Dockge, and how we will update those, it might be desirable to use one of --label-enable (and its disable mode) and label all such containers, or --disable-containers followed by a list of the containers to skip.
If using labels, those are added as follows (here, not to update this container but all others):
services: builtcontainer: image: localbuild:local labels: com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable: false
With --label-enable we would set the label to true to update only those containers.

API mode with metrics

This mode is an alternative deployment option enabling the tool’s metric collection.
It is also possible to run watchtower in API mode. This mode is needed to pass some metrics. A token (please update its value) is required to prevent any call from triggering an update.
Using API mode disables periodic updates unless another flag is passed. We also use the schedule flag (using a format similar to cron) to request daily updates at 1:30 a.m. local time.
When in API mode, watchtower exposes port 8080. In this updated compose.yaml, we map it to host port 28080.
services: watchtower: container_name: watchtower image: containrrr/watchtower restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro command: --cleanup --schedule "0 30 1 * * *" --include-stopped --label-enable --http-api-update --http-api-metrics --http-api-periodic-polls environment: - WATCHTOWER_HTTP_API_TOKEN=secret-token ports: - 28080:8080


Dozzle is a handy tool for seeing the logs of running docker containers.
It is a log viewer designed to simplify the process of monitoring and debugging containers. It is a lightweight, web-based application that provides real-time log streaming, filtering, and searching capabilities through an intuitive user interface.
Running it in compose can be done following the instructions at We will create a new “dozzle” stack with the following compose.yaml
services: dozzle: container_name: dozzle image: amir20/dozzle:latest restart: unless-stopped volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - ./data:/data ports: - 8008:8080 environment: DOZZLE_AUTH_PROVIDER: simple DOZZLE_ENABLE_ACTIONS: true labels: com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable: true
Our changes are that we are using an alternate port to listen to (8008) and authorizing the tool to perform actions (start, stop, restart) on our containers. Because of this, we will require a username and password to access the WebUI and will be using Watchtower to update the container.
“Save” the stack and create a data directory in the stack location (in /opt/stacks/dozzle —we will likely need to sudo to do this). Then, create and edit a data/users.yml file containing content adapted from Dozzle’s “File Based User Management” page.
After “Start”ing the stack, we can see the logs of other running containers in its WebUI at http://IP:8008
A couple of notes:
  • One WebUI can show multiple running Dozzle Agents.

Dashdot (GPU-enabled)

Dashdot is “a modern server dashboard” that displays views about the running system’s resources on a webpage. Dashdot integrates with server “main page” tools such as HomePage, Homarr, or Heimdall, which is a preferred use case (note that a https reverse proxy needs to be available for this integration to be functional).
Per the instructions at (the non-GPU compose.yaml file is also at this link):
services: dash: image: mauricenino/dashdot:nvidia restart: unless-stopped privileged: true deploy: resources: reservations: devices: - capabilities: - gpu ports: - '80:3001' volumes: - /:/mnt/host:ro environment: DASHDOT_WIDGET_LIST: 'os,cpu,storage,ram,network,gpu'
To get more details on why the privileged and / mount are present, please see
Per those settings, dashdot will use port 80; we prefer to use a different port. The deploy: section defines the device access, here to a GPU.
Many configuration options can be added to dashdot, per
The final dashdot stack’s compose.yaml in use for this setup uses port 3001 and adds a few environment variables:
services: dash: image: mauricenino/dashdot:nvidia container_name: dashdot-nvidia restart: unless-stopped privileged: true deploy: resources: reservations: devices: - capabilities: - gpu ports: - '3001:3001' volumes: - /:/mnt/host:ro - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro environment: DASHDOT_WIDGET_LIST: 'os,cpu,storage,ram,network,gpu' DASHDOT_SHOW_HOST: true DASHDOT_CUSTOM_HOST: hostname DASHDOT_OVERRIDE_OS: 'Ubuntu 24.04' labels: com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable: true
, with:
  • DASHDOT_CUSTOM_HOST is used to allow control of the hostname displayed.
  • DASHDOT_OVERRIDE_OS in use to avoid the tool from giving details about the running container (compared to the docker host, here, running Ubuntu 24.04)

CTPO: CUDA + TensorFlow + PyTorch + OpenCV Docker containers

The “CTPO: CUDA + TensorFlow + PyTorch + OpenCV Docker containers" provide easy-to-use Jupyter Notebooks with TensorFlow, PyTorch, and OpenCV built with CUDA enabled. A CUDA-optimized version and a CPU-bound version are available.
Because those services are used as needed, we will use the ability Dockge grants us to start and stop them as needed from its WebUI.

GPU setup

The latest Docker image is available as infotrend/ctpo-jupyter-tensorflow_pytorch_opencv:latest
The’s docker compose section gives us the following:
services: jupyter_ctpo: container_name: jupyter_ctpo image: infotrend/ctpo-jupyter-cuda_tensorflow_pytorch_opencv:latest restart: unless-stopped ports: - 8888:8888 volumes: - ./iti:/iti - ./home:/home/jupyter - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro environment: - NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all - NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all deploy: resources: reservations: devices: - driver: nvidia count: 1 capabilities: [gpu] labels: com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable: true
In this setup, we note the following:
  • the service exposes the Jupyter port (8888) as local port 8888. If we wanted to change this, we would be able to change the mapping local_port:container_port
  • there are two volumes (mount points) created for the /iti directory, where the Jupyter interface starts from, and /home/jupyter, where user configurations are stored. Because Dockge will use those local to the directory in /opt/stacks where the service is started, it is convenient to access its content.
  • In addition to having the timezone in the environment: settings, we ensure that the container has full access to the NVIDIA device(s), and point the resources (in deploy: to the first GPU available on the host (adapt as needed).
From the Dockge main menu, use + Compose and paste the above compose.yaml content, naming the stack jupyter_ctpo, and Deploy it. We await the docker pull to complete before being able to go to, enter the Jupyter access token (here set as iti), and confirm access to the GPU by running a new terminal and typing nvidia-smi.

CPU setup

Following the same concepts as in the “GPU setup”, the CPU-bound version can be deployed as jupyter_tpo using a compose,yml as:
services: jupyter_tpo: container_name: jupyter_tpo image: infotrend/ctpo-jupyter-tensorflow_pytorch_opencv:latest restart: unless-stopped ports: - 8889:8888 volumes: - ./iti:/iti - ./home:/home/jupyter - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro environment: - NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=void labels: com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable: true
Note that we changed the base container image and the container_name, and are using a local port different from the CTPO version.
The NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=void is here if the default docker runtime is set to nvidia-docker and is only used in this case, so keeping it is benign.
This time, the Jupyter Lab is accessed from


Syncthing is a free, open-source, continuous file synchronization program that allows users to synchronize files and folders across multiple devices. It works on multiple platforms, including some NAS systems, providing a decentralized approach to file syncing without relying on cloud services or central servers. It focuses on simplicity, reliability, privacy, and security: users have full control over their data, as files are transferred directly between devices using end-to-end encryption while allowing for complex sync setups, including one-way syncs and selective file syncing. For new users, it is recommended to look at to decide if the tool matches your requirements (versus tools such as Time Machine for Macs or borg backup or similar).
For the following to be pertinent, a data source and a data destination need to exist in your network. i.e., a system needs to either have storage to sync data from another client (or a NAS on which it is installed to sync data to).
The following syncthing Dockge stack matches this second case of a Send Only configuration to the NAS. For this use, we prefer being able to run as root so that the tool can read every single file it encounters (which is not the recommended way per the “Please consider using a normal user account” message that we will encounter; see the additions to the environment section) and we will mount two directories /opt (where Dockge’s stacks are located, which might include models for AI tools) and /home (where the different user directories are present) to be shared with SyncThing peers (in our case the local NAS). The compose.yaml with those settings is as follows (please adapt hostname as preferred):
services: syncthing: image: syncthing/syncthing container_name: syncthing hostname: hostname environment: - PUID=0 - PGID=0 volumes: - ./st-sync:/var/syncthing - /opt:/data1 - /home:/data2 - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro ports: - 8384:8384 - 22000:22000 - 21027:21027 restart: unless-stopped labels: com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable: true
The tool’s WebUI will be The other ports are for discovery and might require some changes for non-local subnet access only (i.e., if your peer is outside of your local network, which is not the case for our NAS); please see for details.
Note that we will not go into full details related to post-installation setup. Please refer to for additional information. We will note that when sharing data with “remote devices” on the same LAN, to avoid data going through relays, after setup, disable those via the Settings -> Connections -> Enable Relay menu. When doing this, it is also recommended to edit each “Remote Devices” and for each device, “Edit → Advanced → Addresses” and enter the tcp://IP:22000 location on your LAN (because docker runs containers in a subnet, as long as the port is exposed, we can do a direct connection on the local network).


ComfyUI is a Stable Diffusion WebUI. I created an NVIDIA-specific container to make use of the tool. The base container is over 5GB and is based on an Ubuntu image with Nvidia CUDA and CuDNN. The container will grow at first run with all the packages needed to support an installation of ComfyUI (at least another 5GB). This installation is done in a directory external to the container and owned by the comfy user, whose container-side user and group ID can be set at runtime using arguments. This allows end users to have local directory structures for all the side data (input, output, temp, user) and the entire models folder structure to be separate from the container and owned by the starting user. Please see GitHub at for complete details on how to use the container and additional details on using it with docker compose.
To use the container with Dockge, we will create a new comfyui-nvidia stack with the following compose.yaml
services: comfyui-nvidia: image: mmartial/comfyui-nvidia-docker:latest container_name: comfyui-nvidia ports: - 7188:8188 volumes: - ./run:/comfy/mnt - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro restart: unless-stopped environment: - WANTED_UID=1000 - WANTED_GID=1000 - NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all - NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all - COMFY_CMDLINE_XTRA= deploy: resources: reservations: devices: - driver: nvidia count: all capabilities: - gpu - compute - utility labels: - com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true
Adapt the WANTED_UID and WANTED_GID to match the desired user and group ID (which can be obtained using the id command). Save the stack, and within the /opt/stacks/comfyui-nvidia create a run directory, then change it to be owned by the selected ID: sudo chown 1000:1000 run.
After starting the stack, the tool will prepare the virtual environment ComfUI needs to run and set up content within the run folder. After successful installation, the container must be restarted to access the WebUI on port 7188 (it runs within the container on port 8188).
Models, VAE, Clip, and other Loras require GBs of storage. We will use bind mounts when we have multiple disks on our host and prefer to move entire stacks outside the /opt/stacks directory. If we want to move the ./run folder to another disk (for example a comfyui-nvidia-run folder within the /data mounted disk), we can modify the compose.yaml to reflect that location (the following file contains additional components such as HomePage —with multiple instances— and Traefik, their uses being described here and here)
services: comfyui-nvidia: image: mmartial/comfyui-nvidia-docker:latest container_name: comfyui-nvidia ports: - 7188:8188 networks: - traefik_default volumes: - /data/comfyui-nvidia-run:/comfy/mnt - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro restart: unless-stopped environment: - WANTED_UID=1000 - WANTED_GID=1000 - NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all - NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all - COMFY_CMDLINE_XTRA= deploy: resources: reservations: devices: - driver: nvidia count: all capabilities: - gpu - compute - utility labels: - com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true - traefik.enable=true - traefik.http.routers.entrypoints=https - traefik.http.routers.rule=Host(``) - - - homepage.icon=SIGN.png - homepage.instance.INSTANCE1.href= - homepage.instance.INSTANCE2.href= - homepage.description=ComfyUI (TAB) networks: traefik_default: external: true

Using bind mounts within /opt/stacks

A bind mount in Linux allows a directory or file to be mounted to another location within the filesystem, enabling access from multiple paths. Using symbolic links to folders outside of the directories mounted within the running container is not recommended, as they might not point to the original location on the host and when running inside the container.
As such, it is preferred to use bind mounts to place content outside of /opt/stacks.
In the ComfyUI example, we could move the /opt/stacks/comfyui-nvidia folder to /data/dockge-stacks/comfyui-nvidia, then bind mount it back to its original /opt location.
  1. Shutdown the comfyui-nvidia container from within Dockge then Dockge itself to avoid potential issues: cd /opt/dockge; docker compose down
  1. After moving the directory to the new location (cd /opt/stacks; mv comfyui-nvidia /data/dockge-stacks/.). Create a directory within the /opt/stacks location to have a mount location: sudo mkdir /opt/stacks/comfyui-nvidia
  1. Edit the /etc/fstab file to add the new line (modifying the file will allow the mount to occur following a system reboot):
# added bind mount /data/dockge-stacks/comfyui-nvidia /opt/stacks/comfyui-nvidia none default,bind 0 0
  1. Reload the fstab using sudo systemctl daemon-reload then mount /opt/stacks/comfyui-nvidia. The content of data/dockge-stacks/comfyui-nvidia will appear within /opt/stacks/comfyui-nvidia. Any change at one location will be reflected in the other.
  1. Restart Dockge: cd /opt/dockge; docker compose up -d
  1. From the Dockge interface, restart the comfyui-nvidia container.

A note on using bind mounts with tools such as SyncThing

Because bind mounts are transparent to the host system, the source and target folders are present in both locations for tools like SyncThing. As such, it is recommended that you Edit a given folder and then add an Ignore Pattern to the mounted directory to avoid duplicate synchronization of what points to the same content.

Revision History

  • 20250121-0: Extended SyncThing section with manually specifying the other instances running on the same LAN.
  • 20250107-0: Added SyncThing relay note, ComfyUI-Nvidia-Container, and bind mount sections.
  • 20240908-0: Added API mode and metrics as an alternative watchtower deployment option.
  • 20240824-0: Added Dozzle section, and specified container_name for existing containers
  • 20240803-0: Added clarification on watchtower container update rule with --label-enable
  • 20240730-0: Added a section on container selection for watchtower and using those for our stacks + passing timezone details to running containers
  • 20240707-0: Removed version: from the compose.yaml files as those are not needed + Added a SyncThing section
  • 20240706-0: Initial release